Friday, August 14, 2009

Service Order-->Post-->Ship & Consume

In the Service Management-->Service Order-->Post have 4 options.

1) Ship

2) Invoice

3) Ship & Invoice

4) Ship & Consume

Ship: The program posts shipment of the items.

Invoice: The program invoices items that have already been shipped.

Ship and Invoice: The program invoices and ships the items.

Ship and Consume: The program posts shipment and consumption on the order and creates a new service shipment document.

If you fill the "Qty. to Ship" in the Service Lines and post the Service Order as Ship, program will created one positive service ledger entry with 'Entry Type' Usage and one negative Item Ledger Entry with 'Entry Type' as Sale. That means to complete the service order, system used the component that has posted as negative line in the ILE and that line has 'Entry Type' as Sale which means it has to be invoice to the customer.

If you fill the "Qty. to Ship", "Qty. to Consume" in the Service Lines and post the Service Order as Ship and Consume, program will created two service ledger entries (First line with 'Entry Type' Usage and Positive Qty. Second line with 'Entry Type’ Consume and Negative Qty.) and one negative Item Ledger Entry with 'Entry Type' as Negative Adjustment. That means to complete the service order, system used the component that has posted as negative line in the ILE and that line has 'Entry Type' as 'Negative Adjustment' which means it will not invoice to the customer and used for the internal purpose and registered in the Service Ledger Entries as 'Entry Type' consume (i.e. Second Line).

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